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      Hello, welcome to Gangdong Yuanxing Optics Instrument Co.,Ltd. web site!
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      • YVM-CSPC 2 dimension manual image instrument

      • YVM-CSPC是一款手動二次元影像測量儀,簡單易用,結合業界功能強大的手動影像測量軟件,具備拍地圖、產品輪廓掃描、專業SPC統計、手動CNC、宏測量等功能。并具有強大的報表輸出功能,特別適用于種類多、小批量的產品測量,廣泛應用于模具、機械、電子、汽車、塑膠、鐘表以及其他精密五金等行業。
      • 關鍵字

      Instrument use:

      This machine is suitable for 2D measurements.It is widely usedin industries of machinery,elecyronics,watch,plastic,moudule etc.


      Its functional YR-YCSPC measuring software can realize the functions of all 2D flatness measurements,making map,profile scanning.special SPC statistics,manualCNC,Macrosoopic measurement and so on.Zaxis lifting system adopts granite column,which makes non-contact predsion measurement and flatness measurement available.


      Instrument model YVM-3020CSPC YVM-4030CSPC
      X.Y Axis Travel 300*200mm 400*300mm
      Z Axis Travel 160mm 300mm
      X.Y.Z Axis Resoulution 0.0005mm
      Zoom lens Stadard 0.7-4.5X Zoom Lens
      Magnification 24~156X(12~312X is available)
      CCD 430.000 Pixels high definition CCD(SONY chip)
      Measuring Accuracy X.Y  Axis:(3+L/200)μm
      Measuring software YR-YCSPC
      Instrument base 000-grade stable granite base
      IIIumination Surface and contour illumination both use LED shadowless lamp
      Overall dimenstions 600*900*680mm 960*820*940mm
      Instrument weight 150KG 260KG
      Optional accessories 0.5X, 2X lens (can increase or decrease the magnification)

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