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      Hello, welcome to Gangdong Yuanxing Optics Instrument Co.,Ltd. web site!
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      The promoting function of image measuring instrument
      1. [ 日期:2013-10-31 查看次數:2562 ]

      Image measuring instrument function to impetus forindustrial measurement, but also to satisfy a market demand.

      With the function of engineering demand has been strong,this is a mature performance from simple equipment. Image measuring instrument equipment although no gorgeous appearance but he has a measuring function and powerful.

      The computer screen measuring it will industrial metrologymethod from the image measuring instrument on the traditional to rely on digital image age of. It is worth mentioning that, there is a transitional product with digital display screen and then the computer on the market at present. Strictly speaking, this is only the computer as a sighting tool equipment not image measuring instrument,can only be called the "automatic image measuring instrument" or "automatic precision mapping instrument image". In other words: image measuring instrument isbased on computer screen measuring techniques and powerful spatial geometric computing software exists.Automatic image measuring instrument and digitizedautomatic image measuring instrument and hand image measuring instrument two, another kind of image measuring instrument and probe, according to customerdemand for the three coordinate, but demand is not somuch the customer. Select the image measuringinstrument and probe instrument saves the cost, and meet the demand of.

      To understand the whole image measuring instrumentindustry, to master the dynamic development of equipmentwill be the development of the overall implementation ofgood advantage, for image measuring instrument, no matter from which angle, the road constantly innovation is correct.

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