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      Hello, welcome to Gangdong Yuanxing Optics Instrument Co.,Ltd. web site!
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      Prospects for the development of the hardware and the software of image measuring instrument
      1. [ 日期:2013-12-04 查看次數:2459 ]

      To make the image measuring instrument break again inthe original basis, we have no outside from the two points,that is the image analyzer software development andmachine production, is what we often say that the machineof the two aspects of hardware and software. If we succeed in these two aspects, then the image measuring instrumentwill open a new situation.

      First of all we said image measurement software. Image measuring instrument in automatic image measuring instrument appearance, software can be said to be the same, regardless of the machine and how development and change, the software is not what a big change, just do some small change in some function, thus limiting the image measuring instrument image instrument development, so first of all to the image measuring instrument software, developed the detecting software has the latest high-end function, so that the image measuring instrument in the application to play a more powerful function.

      Second is the image measuring instrument hardware. A good image measuring instrument, in addition to the high-end advanced software technology, is also essential formachine design reasonable, have beautiful exterior design and reasonable layout of the mechanism, in order toattract the attention of the customers, the development of the market to open the image measuring instrument. The machine interior layout and design, is the key to success of image measuring instrument.

      With these two aspects of support, to really adapt to the development of high-end image measuring instrumentmarket development trend, this is the rest of the image measuring instrument market development trend.

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