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      Hello, welcome to Gangdong Yuanxing Optics Instrument Co.,Ltd. web site!
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      Image measuring instrument of medical measurement
      1. [ 日期:2013-11-11 查看次數:4063 ]

      Medical image measuring instrument is divided into two categories.

      A class of medical equipment to use image measuring instrument.

      Has a good future development situation of our medicalimage measuring instrument

      In recent years, medical imaging our measuring instrumentmarket size and growth rate can be seen in itsdevelopment trend. In 2009 the market size of Chinamedical image measuring instrument for 16860000000 yuan, a growth rate of 15.6%; in 2010 the market size for 19560000000 yuan, a growth rate of 15.5%; in 2012reached 27250000000 yuan, the growth rate of 19.5%.

      In the first quarter of 2013, the electrocardiogram andelectroencephalogram machine occupied the largest market share, for 25.2%, followed by noninvasivemonitoring instrument, to occupy 21.9% of the market share; cardiovascular and muscular treatment ofemergency equipment to occupy 18.3% of the market share, electronic pressure measuring device 16.2%, blood flow volume measuring device is 6.8%, the other is 11.6%.

      The industry is expected, China's medical image measuring instrument on the market size in 2013 is expected to reach 31650000000 yuan, the annual growth rate of 16.1%, and in the next three years will still maintain high speed growth.

      Medical image measuring instrument of growth not only is because has broad market demand, but also because ofpromoting good policy, in response to the "MinamataConvention" on mercury and "green health action 2020",clinical popularization and standardization of medical electronic products is particularly important.

      To further protect the medical environment, promote theprogress of hospital information system, application of medical image measuring instrument in the pharmaceutical industry will become more widely, and the market of video measuring instrument will be more subdivision and the specific. Use of medical image measuring instrument to improve the efficiency of hospital management, is of great significance to optimize the doctor-patient relationship.

      Another kind is the image measuring instrument used in clinical medical science.

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